CIFASD Group Photo

The purpose of this consortium is to inform and develop effective interventions and treatment approaches for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), through multidisciplinary research involving basic, behavioral and clinical investigators and projects. We hope to develop an infrastructure to foster collaboration and coordinate basic, clinical and translational research on FASD.

News CIFASD investigator Dr. Christie Petrenko has spearheaded the development of a new app for caregivers raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The FMF Connect app shows promise as an accessible evidence-based intervention to caregivers who can't access FASD-informed care in their communities. This report will appear in the journal Digital Health. FMF Read more The Families Moving Forward (FMF) Connect App Shows Promise as an Accessible Intervention for Families Raising Children with FASD Dr. Claire Coles, CIFASD investigator, found that child trauma is underrecognized and educational services are underutilized in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, compared to others from similar underserved populations. parent child Read more Parents of Children with FASD Could Use More Support in Meeting Their Children's Educational Needs This conference will be held from April 11-14 in Seattle WA, focusing on the important issues faced by individuals with FASD as they become adolescents and adults. fasd united Read more FASD United, in Consultation with the International Adult Leadership Collaborative FASD Changemakers, Organized the 9th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders This April, FASD United recognizes Alcohol Awareness Month as a great opportunity to learn more about the harmful risks of alcohol misuse. Alcohol Awareness Month Read more FASD United Recognizes April as Alcohol Awareness Month University of New Mexico researchers have found that even low to moderate alcohol use by pregnant patients may contribute to subtle changes in their babies' prenatal development, including lower birth length and a shorter duration of gestation. moderate alcohol usage harmful Read more Even Moderate Alcohol Usage during Pregnancy Linked to Birth Abnormalities Contrary to some claims, laws that criminalize or otherwise punish drug use during pregnancy are more likely to worsen rather than improve health outcomes, according to a paper by researchers at Columbia University. Pregnancy Drug Use Laws Read more Pregnancy Drug Use Laws May Deteriorate Health Outcomes CIFASD investigator, Dr. Jeff Wozniak, uses brain growth chart to improve identification of individuals with FASD. Brain Growth Read more Brain Growth Chart Identifies More Children Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Pregnancy and infancy characteristics were used to best predict which children would later be diagnosed with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Pregnant Woman Read more CIFASD Investigators Work to Understand How Early Life Factors Help Predict FASD FASD can affect individuals across the lifespan, but we currently have a limited understanding of how needs change with age. Lifespan Development Read more CIFASD Researchers Improve Our Understanding of the Lifelong Consequences of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure to Improve Clinical Care The relationship between health and immune function differs between adults with FASD and those without FASD. Immune Markers Read more New Data Indicate a Link between Inflammatory Markers and Mood in Adults with FASD BRAIN-online is an online testing tool that measures cognitive ability and behavior in children and adults. BRAIN-online is an online testing tool Read more BRAIN-online FASD Screening Tool Biomarkers could provide a more accurate diagnosis of FASD. See Smithsonian Magazine for story. identifying Fetal Alcohol Exposure Read more New Tools for identifying Fetal Alcohol Exposure CIFASD researcher, Christie Petrenko and her team of psychologists at the University of Rochester make the case for an approach to FASD based on patients' strengths rather than deficits. Thriving While Living with FASD Read more Thriving While Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) This advancement will help clinicians more accurately and reliably diagnose FASD. Mike Suttie Read more Dr. Mike Suttie, CIFASD Investigator, Uses Machine Learning to Improve Facial Imaging Drs. Coles, Kable and Chambers report that preschool aged children exposed to heavy prenatal alcohol exposure had impairments in nonverbal ability and executive functioning that are typically seen in older children. These results suggest that the effects of prenatal alcohol can be identified in preschool children; when children are identified early in life, they can receive needed interventions. Preschoolers with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Read more Executive Functioning Problems Identified in Preschoolers with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure If you want to know about tools to help you on your parenting journey you are going to want to listen to the podcast at: Jeff Noble’s FASD Success Show Read more CIFASD Investigator, Gives Podcast on Changing the Story about FASD
on Jeff Noble’s FASD Success Show
The CIFASD dysmorphology core, headed by Ken Jones and Miguel del Campo, shows that primary physical measurements and subject features used to diagnose an FASD can be reliably evaluated remotely using telemedicine. This will help expand our ability to diagnose FASD worldwide. Telemedicine Read more Telemedicine Works to Assess the Physical Features of FASD CIFASD investigators identify potential blood markers for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Drs. Rakesh Miranda and Christina Chambers find that a blood test that may help predict how severely a baby will be affected by alcohol exposure during pregnancy. Blood Test Read more CIFASD Investigators Identify Potential Blood Markers Listen to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with Dr. Jeffrey Wozniak on

Listen to podcast CIFASD investigator, Dr. Jeff Wozniak, Discusses FASD in Navigating Neuropsychology Podcast

PBS NewsHour Focuses on FASD:
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are more common than you think.

PBS Newshour focuses on FASD Read more CIFASD Investigator Dr. Jeff Wozniak Meets with the PBS Team

The CDC released new guidelines urging women of childbearing age to avoid drinking alcohol unless they are using contraception. This new guideline is designed to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). FASD is a 100 percent preventable condition.
CDC Guidlines to Prevent FASD Read more Is It OK To Drink Alcohol While Pregnant? 10 Things You Should Know
In an effort to once and for all put a rest to any debate about drinking during pregnancy, the American Academy of Pediatrics has put out a clear message: Don't do it. Ever. At all. Not even a tiny bit. "No amount of alcohol should be considered safe to drink during any trimester of pregnancy," the group wrote.
no amount of alcohol is safe Read more No Alcohol during Pregnancy – Ever – Plead U.S. Pediatricians
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