Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Data Access Committee Application


Research Strategy Form

This information must be complete for the Data Access Committee to consider the application.
Research strategy should be no more than 4 pages.


  1. Rationale: Briefly describe the proposed studies and the rationale for the proposed analyses.


  2. Background: Provide the relevant background to justify the request. Be sure to include:
    1. Importance of the project, including the significance of both the study question and of the specific project.
    2. Justification for requesting these specific data. This section should explain how the proposed use of the available CIFASD data relates to the experimental design and study outcomes. The study questions being posed by the investigator must be appropriate for the CIFASD data being requested.
    3. Relevant preliminary data demonstrating the applicant’s experience.


  3. Project Details:
    1. Hypothesis: There should be at least one clear hypothesis that can be tested using the proposed methods and CIFASD data, or a strong justification for carrying out discovery research.
    2. Methodology: Describe how the requested CIFASD data will be used. Is this a discovery, or replication study?
    3. Power and effect size: Describe the power of the project and the anticipated size of a detectable effect.
    4. Data analysis: Provide a detailed plan for data analysis, including a description of the statistical procedures. Include a brief summary of the team’s expertise and experience and evidence that they can handle the analysis proposed.
    5. Data management: Explicitly address how the CIFASD data will be managed and protected. For example, who will have the main responsibility for maintaining security?
    6. Data disposal: Describe how the CIFASD data will be disposed of, once your research objectives are accomplished.
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